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Power of attorney in English

A power of attorney is relevant for you, if you want to give power to another person to act on your behalf. You can easily make a power of attorney in English online with Legal Desk.

Kun 199,-

Inkl. moms

Spar kr. 1.500,-

Ift. traditionel advokat

10 - 15 min.

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Mere end 275.000 tilfredse kunder

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Legal Desk benyttes af over 275.000 virksomheder, selvstændige, private og samarbejdspartnere!

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4.446 anmeldelser

Kun 199,- Inkl. moms

Spar kr. 1.500,-

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10 - 15 min.

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Mere end 275.000 tilfredse kunder

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What is a power of attorney?

A power of attorney (also known as a proxy) in English allows you to let another person act on your behalf within the framework of what the document describes. Legal Desk's power of attorney covers the same legal conditions as the one we offer in Danish. The English power of attorney can be used in various situations, for example in case of senility, dementia or the like. It can also be used to give authorization to act on your behalf while abroad or if the recipient of the power of attorney does not speak Danish. 

Where can I use the proxy?

The recipient of a power of attorney is never obliged to accept it - whether it’s made with Legal Desk or elsewhere. The acceptance of the proxy is a decision that’s almost entirely made by the recipient, whether that being a person, company or public authority.

Legal Desk cannot guarantee the acceptance of the power of attorney, which is why it may be a good idea to contact the recipient and ensure that he or she is willing to accept it.

What is a specific power of attorney?

When creating a power of attorney, you can choose between a general one or a specific one. A general power of attorney gives the recipient the opportunity to generally act on your behalf in all circumstances. This type of proxy gives you flexibility and can for example be used in case of being abroad for a longer period or being hospitalized.

In contrast, the specific power of attorney only gives the recipient the opportunity to act on behalf of the proxy in specific situations or circumstances, for example to go to a specific meeting and vote on your behalf or the like.

It is important to note that if a proxy is a special type of power of attorney, it cannot be replaced by a general one.

Create a power of attorney with Legal Desk

You can easily make a power of attorney with the help of Legal Desk’s services. Whether you need a general or a specific power of attorney, you can create it online by answering our form with the relevant questions. The form ensures that all important aspects of the legal document are covered. After filling out the form and paying, you will immediately receive the power of attorney, ready to be signed with your digital signature (MitID) in order to make it valid. 

Start now by clicking on 'Create power of attorney'.


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Mere end 275.000 tilfredse kunder

Kun 199,-

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