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How to get CVR number in Denmark

To be able to run a business in Denmark, you need a CVR number. In this article, we explain how you can get a CVR number, and how you can easily, quickly and cheaply start your own business with Legal Desk.


Excl. VAT

Spar kr. 4.000,-

Ift. traditionel advokat

10-15 min.

I reelt tidsforbrug

Company formation

Get your CVR number easily and quickly

Incl. articles of association, register of owners and capital confirmation

Quick registration

We help you all the way

Used by more than 60.000 self-employed

We establish over 25% of the country's limited companies

Excl. mandatory fee to the Danish Business Authority of 670,-

4.446 anmeldelser

Legal Desk benyttes af over 275.000 virksomheder, selvstændige, private og samarbejdspartnere!

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4.446 anmeldelser


Excl. VAT

Spar kr. 4.000,-

Ift. traditionel advokat

10-15 min.

I reelt tidsforbrug

Company formation

Get your CVR number easily and quickly

Incl. articles of association, register of owners and capital confirmation

Quick registration

We help you all the way

Used by more than 60.000 self-employed

We establish over 25% of the country's limited companies

Excl. mandatory fee to the Danish Business Authority of 670,-


5,400companies created in 2023 Legal Desk created 5,400 companies in 2023, corresponding to over 22% of all ApS companies in Denmark.
230,000 customers We have already helped 230,000 customers.
We can also help you!

What is a CVR number?

A CVR number is a number that all companies in Denmark must have in order to be identified. It is used, among other things, to create a bank account for business purposes and to set up insurance for your business. Your CVR number can also be used as a VAT number if your business is VAT registered. If you are VAT registered, you can get a refund for any VAT expenses from purchases, but you must also add VAT each time you sell something. You can read more about this in our article about VAT (article is in Danish).

How to get a CVR number

If you want a CVR number, you must establish a company, which then must be registered with the Danish Business Authority at

Before registering your business with the Danish Commerce Agency, you need to decide what kind of company you wish to establish. If you are a Danish citizen, you can either form a sole proprietorship or a capital company. However, if you are a foreign citizen, then you can only form a capital company. A capital company can either be a limited liability company ("ApS") or a limited company ("A/S"). Regardless of which type of capital company you wish to establish, you can easily do it with Legal Desk – it is quick and a lot cheaper than using a traditional lawyer. 

The so-called entrepreneurial company (“IVS”) was abolished as a company form on April 9th, 2019 by the Danish government. You can read more about the different company types here (article is in Danish).

How long does it take to register a CVR number?

The length of time it takes to complete the CVR registration depends on the type of business being registered. If it is a sole proprietorship, the CVR registration can take between one and two weeks before it is finalized at the Danish Commerce Agency. If it is a capital company, you will generally receive your CVR number within 24 hours of submitting the registration. However, these estimated processing times depend on the registration being filled out correctly and hence not rejected. Legal Desk offers to do all registration for you, so you don't have to worry about anything.

How to start a business with Legal Desk

With Legal Desk you can easily start your own business online. Simply fill out our web form, where you can choose what type of business you want to establish and pay. Immediately after paying you will receive your documents, ready for being signed and dated.

If you want to start a sole proprietorship with Legal Desk (only available to Danish citizens), we can handle the entire process for you, including the registration of the company with the Danish Business Agency. This means that we register your company within 24 hours, and register it for VAT, import, export etc., depending on your choices. Once the Danish Business Authority has processed your case, you will usually receive your CVR number within 7 days of sending the registration. 

Start your sole proprietorship with Legal Desk here (form in Danish).

If you decide to start a capital company, limited liability company ("ApS") or a limited company ("A/S"), it requires some more documents, namely founding documents and statutes. You can create all the required documents with Legal Desk. Once you have received and signed the documents, we will register your company with the Danish Commerce Agency. When the registration has been confirmed, you will receive your CVR number, and your company will now be valid. 

Please note that the Danish Business Agency always requires a registration fee.

Start your limited liability company or limited company with Legal Desk here (form in Danish).

How Legal Desk’s Registration Service works:


Different types of capital company:

Legaldesk Company Types In Denmark Llc Aps Lc As 2

NYHED! Gratis virksomhedstjek til alle erhvervskunder

At drive en virksomhed kræver konstant opmærksomhed på lovgivning, deadlines og juridiske forpligtelser. Små ændringer kan få store konsekvenser, og det, du ikke opdager, kan ende med at koste både tid og penge. 

Virksomhedstjekket er en slags assistent, der hjælper dig med at huske alt dette.

Du skal ikke foretage dig noget for at få virksomhedstjekket. Det sker automatisk, når du køber et erhvervsprodukt hos Legal Desk. 

Du får automatisk besked om:

Vigtige deadlines – fx. ved indlevering af årsrapport og momsregnskab

Relevante lovændringer – fx. da digitalt regnskabsprogram blev lovpligtig i 2025

Lovpligtige erhvervsprodukter – fx. påkrævet skriftlig dokumentation af aftaler og kontrakter

Andre fordele:

Gratis service: Ingen ekstra omkostninger for opdateringer.

 Fleksibilitet: Du kan til enhver tid afmelde opdateringer og stadig beholde oversigten på din profil.


Company formation

Get your CVR number easily and quickly

Incl. articles of association, register of owners and capital confirmation

Quick registration

We help you all the way

Used by more than 60.000 self-employed

We establish over 25% of the country's limited companies


Excl. VAT

Form company now

Spar 4.000,- ift. traditionel advokat

Excl. mandatory fee to the Danish Business Authority of 670,-